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Principals of Advertising MGMT 0328 Online Summer 2009 Syllabus Text: Essentials of Contemporary Advertising, 2/e William F. Arens, David Schaefer, Michael F. Weigold BA3305 Marketing on the Internet.

M: Advertising By Arens, William, Schaefer, David Edition: 1 ISBN: 9780078028915 solutions manual and test bank

M: Advertising By Arens, William, Schaefer, David Edition: 1 ISBN: 9780078028915 solutions manual and test bank

M: Advertising solutions manual and test bank

William F. Arens
David H. Schaefer, Sacramento City College
Michael F. Weigold, University of Florida at Gainesville

Chapter 02

The Economic, Social, and Regulatory Aspects of Advertising


The main objectives of this chapter are to identify and explain the economic, social, ethical, and legal issues advertisers must consider. The basic economic principles that guide the evolution of advertising also have social and legal effects. When they are violated, social issues arise and the government may take corrective measures. Society determines what is offensive, excessive, and irresponsible; governmental bodies determine what is deceptive and unfair. To be law-abiding, ethical, and socially responsible, as well as economically effective, an advertiser must understand these issues (p. 24).

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After studying this chapter, your students will be able to:

1. Describe the impact of advertising on the economy.

2. Debate the validity of the various social criticisms of advertising.

3. Explain the difference between social responsibility and ethics in advertising.

4. Describe how government agencies regulate advertising to protect both consumers and competitors.

5. Discuss the activities of nongovernmental organizations in fighting fraudulent and deceptive advertising.

Teaching Tips and Strategies

Using the opening vignette in the classroom

Students may often recognize and relate to some celebrity product endorsees, while not others. You might start by showing the Tag Heuer web site (http://us.tagheuer.com/) and then click to the “register your watch” page, which features a celebrity promoting the Tag Heuer brand. Start your discussion by asking if anyone find the Tag Heuer brand more desirable based on the celebrity association. Then ask what personality the actor or athlete has and if that personality reflects appropriately on Tag Heuer. You might also ask students if they know an approximate price range for Tag Heuer watches ($3,000 to $6000) and if they believe the celebrity or athlete association influences consumers in purchasing this brand and product line.

I find that the best way to enliven these discussions is to let students find a natural voice for their thoughts. If there is a mixture of responses, I try to just let the debate happen. Conversely (as is often the case), if no one initially comments on the association versus brand value topic, I then raise the issue of Michael Phelps and Tiger Woods…that of the “brand transgressions” they potentially created based on a conflict between the acts in their personal lives and the products they represented. Some thoughts to cultivate this discussion:

1) Are celebrities really victims of the state of our culture? Does society set the standards for what is acceptable in life…and in product endorsements?

2) Do athletes and celebrity endorsees have a responsibility to behave in a certain “ethical” fashion? Are they required to serve as role models when they choose to be public and endorse mainstream products such as Kellogg’s cereal and Nike sports apparel?

3) Ask if anyone eats Kellogg’s Corn Flakes or wears Nike apparel. Do athletes like Phelps and Woods influence purchasing decisions based on the use of illegal drugs, or through marital indiscretions?

4) Many companies include a “morals clause” in celebrity and athlete agreements. What type of requirements might you require if you were drafting the language for this clause?

5) Are the high endorsement fees associated with celebrities worth the investment? Would companies like Tag Heuer and Mike better serve their customers by discontinuing endorsee advertising and then using those savings to drop the cost of their products?

Other tips and strategies

Before discussing the legal issues surrounding advertising I ask student whether or not they believe commercial speech like advertising is protected by the First Amendment. I frequently find many students have never considered that there might be some forms of speech that are not protected. This leads in to a discussion of the 1942 Supreme Court case Valentine v. Christenson, in which the court first considered the issue. In that case a businessman named Christenson attempted to market tours of his submarine, which resided in New York’s harbor, by distributing leaflets. Police chief Valentine, citing New York’s anti-littering code, attempted to stop him. The Supreme Court ultimately ruled that New York could regulate advertising because commercial speech does not enjoy First Amendment protection. In subsequent cases the court moved away from that conclusion, but the precedent remained important for many years and in many Court decisions, including its decision to permit a ban on tobacco advertising on TV and radio. I ask students if it is ever important for commercial speech provides something of value to consumers, and if so, what does it provide?

M advertising pdf free

All students have been influenced by advertising in one way or another. Ask students if they have ever bought a product/service they saw an ad for and were disappointed by the ad because it created an expectation that wasn’t met. For instance, I had an ad with a coupon for Stanley Steemer (a carpet-cleaning company). The coupon conveyed they would clean the carpets of three rooms for a special price of $99. When the company arrived, they told me they could put a pet deodorizer in the cleaning solution for an extra charge, as well as a type of stain repellant.

I didn’t think it would be that much difference. I ordered the stain repellant and pet deodorizer, and to my surprise the bill was well over $200. My neighbor had her carpets cleaned as well, and her bill approached $300 because she had a couple of furniture pieces treated as well. I asked the company representative how many people actually spend $99 for service. He replied, “Most people need more than the minimum.” Was this deceptive advertising? I think so.

The Doan’s Backache relief campaign is a discussion topic that helps illustrate what deceptive advertising is or isn’t. For over 90 years Doan’s was advertised as one of the better back-pain medicines on the market. The problem was that Novartis (the manufacturer of Doan’s) had no scientific data indicating that Doan’s was more efficient at treating back pain than the other pain medicines on the market. A doctor I know explained, “Doan’s has the same ingredients as ibuprofen.” The point: people who took ibuprofen would get results similar to those who took Doan’s.

In 1996, the FTC took Novartis to court on grounds of deceptive advertising. Here are some of Doan’s claims (I write these claims on the board to convey to the class what Doan’s main message/deception was).

▫ “Doan’s is made for back pain relief with an ingredient [other] pain relievers don’t have. Doan’s makes back pain go away . . . The Back Specialist.”

▫ “If nothing seems to help, try Doan’s. It relieves back pain no matter where it hurts. Doan’s has an ingredient these pain relievers don’t have.”

▫ “Back pain is different. Why use these pain relievers? Doan’s is just for back pain.”

In 1998, the courts ruled in favor of the FTC, and had Novartis run corrective advertising to try to let the public know that Doan’s is no more effective then other pain medicines on the market. Holding a class discussion after explaining this issue will allow students to consider other instances when they have seen deceptive advertising, and its implications for society and business. Ask the students if what Novartis did was ethical or unethical and why?

Source: “Doan’s Pills Must Run Corrective Advertising,” FTC Office of Public Affairs, May 27, 1999, available from www.ftc.gov/opa/1999/05/doans.htm.

Web Resources for Enhancing your Lectures:

Tag Heuer

Nike Golf

12 key advertising laws you should know

Advertising and the First Amendment

Federal Trade Commission

Food and Drug Administration

Federal Communications Commission

Adlaw by request

Copyright Web site

Lecture Outline

I. Vignette: Celebrity endorsements (pp. 27-29)

Michael Phelps and Corn Flakes (p. 28)

Utilizing celebrities to market products and ser vices is a well known tactic in the advertising industry. But what happens when celebrities attract negative publicity and bring a “brand transgression” to high profile companies such as Kellogg’s and Nike? Other celebrities such as Madonna, Kobe Bryant and Eminem are also examples of how controversial publicity can impact product associations. When companies choose to establish relationships with celebrities and athletes, ethics and social responsibility become a large component of business planning.

The Many Controversies about Advertising (p. 29)

A. Advertisers face criticism—and loss of revenues

1. Public can be displeased or offended by what an ad says or how it looks.

2. Consumers and consumer groups can complain when the product doesn’t live up to an ad’s promised benefits.

Shoebaloo ad (p. 29)

B. Advertising both applauded and criticized for its effect on the economy

1. Some claim advertising raises the cost of products while others claim it lowers it.

2. Some claim advertising encourages competition; some assert that it reduces competition.

C. Advertising has social consequences

1. Some point out that it makes people more materialistic.

2. Some believe that advertising attempts to cajole people to buy things they don’t need.

3. Some claim that it reaches people subliminally in ways they cannot control.

D. Framework for a discussion of advertising controversy

1. Recall the underlying principle of free-market economics (a society is best served when its people are empowered to make their own decisions as free agents).

2. Use the four assumptions associated with this principle (self-interest, many buyers and sellers, complete information, absence of externalities [social cost]).

Social controversies:

1. The question of deceptiveness

2. Subliminal advertising

3. Advertising and values

4. Proliferation of advertising

5. Stereotypes in advertising

6. Offensive advertising

III. The Economic Impact of Advertising (p. 30)

Advertising accounts for about 2.3 percent of U.S. GDP. Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet, the father of modern French advertising, points out that the level of advertising expenditure is directly proportional to a country’s standard of living.

A. Effect on the Value of Products (p. 30)

Exhibit 2–1 Per capita ad spending around the world (p. 30)

Exhibit 2–2 Billiards model of the economic effect of advertising (p.30)

In a free-market society, consumers can choose the values they want in the products they buy.

1. Advertising can add value to a product in the consumer’s mind by communicating the brand’s image.

2. Advertising creates added value by educating customers on new uses for the product.

3. By associating the product with a desirable image, advertising offers people the opportunity to satisfy those psychological, symbolic wants and needs. By adding value, advertising contributes to the self-interest of the manufacturer, consumer, and the advertiser. It also contributes to the number of sellers. That increases competition, which also serves the consumer’s self-interest.

Darty ad (p. 31)

Anthony’s Pizza ad (p. 31)

B. Effect on Prices (p. 32)

1. Although advertising can add value to a product and ultimately allow it to be sold at a higher price, both the Federal Trade Commission and the Supreme Court have ruled that, by encouraging competition, advertising has the effect of keeping prices down.

2. Additional important points include:

a. As advertising is a cost of doing business, consumers ultimately offset the advertiser’s cost of advertisement by buying the product. However, the cost for advertising is quite small when compared to the total cost of the product.

b. Advertising is one element of any mass-distribution system, a system that allows manufacturers to engage in mass production, which in turn lowers the unit cost of products. In this indirect way, advertising helps lower prices.

c. Historically, in industries subject to government price regulations (e.g., agriculture, utilities), advertising has had no effect on prices. However, 1980s deregulation (an effort to restore free-market pressures) led to cases where advertising affected prices, both downward and upward.

d. In retailing, price is a prominent element in many ads, so advertising tends to hold prices down. On the other hand, national manufacturers use advertising to stress features that make their brands better; in these cases advertising tends to result in higher prices for their brands.

C. Effect on Competition (p. 32)

1. Some ways advertising restricts competition are:

a. Large companies out-spend small companies when it comes to advertising. In addition, many companies go out of business because they served customers less effectively or because they are consumed in a merger.

b. High costs inhibit the entry of new competitors in industries that spend heavily on advertising. In some markets, original brands can benefit from this barrier. However, capital investment needed for plants, machinery, and labor is of far greater importance.

c. Advertising by big business typically has a limited effect on small businesses because big businesses cannot dominate the entire country; local and regional businesses can advertise more heavily in select, localized market areas. The freedom to advertise encourages more sellers to enter the market. Example: store brands competing with national brands at grocery stores.

D. Effect on Consumers and businesses (p. 32)

1. Studies show that promotional activity does affect aggregate consumption, but disagree as to the extent. Social and economic forces such as technological advances, increases in a population and its educational level, and changes in lifestyle are more significant. For example, advertising has not arrested declining sales in hats, fur coats, or manual typewriters.

2. Advertising can affect demand in the following ways:

a. Increase amount of “complete information” and thereby stimulate primary demand for a product category.

b. In declining markets where people only want price information, advertising can affect selective demand—demand for a particular brand. But the only effect it will have on primary demand is to slow the rate of decline.

c. In growing markets, advertisers generally compete for a share of the growth.

d. In mature, static, or declining markets, they compete for each other’s share of the market, making “conquest sales.”

“Got Milk?” ad (p. 32)

E. The abundance principle: Economic Impact of Advertising in Perspective (p. 33)

1. As businesses compete, they must differentiate their products (with a unique logo, feature, or blend of features) and then inform people of such differences. Advertising can create awareness of such differences, increasing consumer awareness of their choices.


2. Abundance Principle: When an economy produces more goods and services than can be consumed, advertising helps keep consumers informed of their alternatives and allows companies to compete more effectively for consumer dollars.

3. Advertising pays back more than it costs

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a. If it didn’t pay, no one would use it.

b. Cost is one cent/bottle of Coke, $400 for a $20,000 new car.

Edsel ad (p. 33)

G. The Abundance Principle: The Economic Impact of Advertising in Perspective (p. 33)

a Check Yourself 2–1 (p. 33)

-Why do countries with higher advertising spending per capita tend to have a higher standard of living?

- Explain the effect of advertising on brand, prices and competition

- What beneficial roles does advertising play in a healthy economy?

In what ways does advertising have an impact on our economy?

-Advertising gives brands added value

-Advertising can lower prices by lowering the unit costs of goods, or raise prices by stressing features that make brands better

-Advertising may decrease competition by ensuring small companies are not able to compete with big companies with immense ad budgets. Advertising may increase competition by encouraging more companies to enter the marketplace.

-Advertising may stimulate primary demand by giving people more “complete information,” and may stimulate selective demand through brand-focused messages

-The freedom to advertise encourages businesses to create new brands and improve old ones

-By encouraging consumer demand advertising can sustain employment and income, but may also maintain the U.S. trade deficit by encouraging preference for foreign products

Advertising Arens Weigold 3e Pdf

-Advertising keeps people informed of their alternatives and allows companies to compete more effectively for consumer dollars

IV. The Social Impact of Advertising (p. 34)

Criticisms of advertising can often be categorized as style arguments (deceptive ads, for example) or social or environmental impact arguments (pointing out social or environmental effects). Whereas our prior discussion of the economic effects of advertising involved the first two principles of free-market economics (self-interest and many buyers and sellers), the following discussion involves the last two principles: complete information and the absence of externalities. In fact, social issues, whether discussed as style or impact arguments, can be seen as instances where one or more economic principles are violated. Let’s discuss the common criticisms of advertising:

A. Deception in Advertising (p. 34)

Tabasco ad (p. 34)

Daffy’s ad (p. 34)

1. To be effective, advertising must have consumer confidence. Thus, deceptive, inaccurate, or misleading advertising is self-defeating. Even puffery (exaggerated, subjective claims that cannot be proved true or false) can be interpreted at face value and spawn a lack of confidence and even result in revenue-damaging publicity or legal action.

2. Under current advertising law, only product claims (whether explicit or implied) must be factually false or convey a misimpression for an ad to be seen as illegal (puffery is excluded based on the idea that reasonable people wouldn’t believe it anyway). It is argued that if advertisers use puffery so much, they must believe it does work. Puffery uses nonproduct facts (facts based on the social context in which the product is used rather than the brand itself, for example, “Coke is the one”).

3. By its very nature, advertising is not complete information; it’s biased towards the advertiser’s point of view and often employs nonproduct facts and puffery.

4. People and the law will accept puffery, but when the advertising creates false impressions, consumers and the regulators ought to react.

Ethical Issue Truth in Advertising: Fluffing and Puffing (pp. 35)

B. The Subliminal Advertising Myth (p. 36)

1. Wilson Bryan Key is a promoter of the notion that advertisers embed dirty words and suggestive shapes into the graphics and illustrations in ads to improve viewer response. Not directly displayed, these suggestive elements are portrayed as being assimilated below the threshold or limen of normal perception and result in what is called subliminal advertising. This concept has been debunked by scientific studies, but Key’s idea has become lore following the sale of thousands of his books and promulgated a generation of consumers who believe in subliminal advertising.

2. If consumers could be “brainwashed,” then there would be congressional hearings (by those officials who used advertising to get elected) and thousands of new products that are heavily advertised would not fail each year. Competition is a bigger factor than subliminal advertising. When were you helplessly manipulated into buying a product? Consumers act in their own self-interest, most of the time deciding not to make a purchase.

C. Advertising and Our Value System (p. 36)

1. Professional critics argue that advertising:

a. Degrades people’s value systems by promoting a hedonistic, materialistic way of life, encouraging the purchase of things people really do not need.

b. Destroys the essence of our citizen democracy.

c. Manipulates people by playing on emotions, promising status, social acceptance, and sex appeal.

d. Is so powerful and ubiquitous that consumers are sometimes powerless to defend themselves against it.

2. In response, proponents contend that:

a. Advertising’s influence has been greatly exaggerated.

b. Studies show U.S. consumers to be very skeptical—only 17 percent of them see advertising as a source of information for what to buy.

3. Advertising is biased in favor of the advertiser and thereby is not complete information.

a. This fact suggests a failed “advocacy” system.

b. This fact affects society as whole: the aggregate activities of the nation’s advertisers affect many people outside the immediate marketing transaction, creating an unexpected cost to society (externality).

House of Fraser ad (p. 36)

D. The Proliferation of Advertising (p. 36)

1. A social impact criticism is that there is just too much advertising.

a. The average person is exposed to 500–1,000 commercial messages daily.

b. There are over 30,000 brand choices in the average supermarket alone.

c. In 2007, non-program time runs to as much as 21 minutes per hour on TV.

d. Too much advertising creates an externality not only for customers (nuisance), but for the advertisers as well. The more advertisements that hit customers’ brains, the less effective paid advertising becomes. It’s not just TV—websites are also cluttered with advertising banners, and our e-mail boxes are flooded with advertising messages.

e. Although there is less of an advertising glut in Europe, it is still a problem there as well.

E. Stereotypes in Advertising (p. 37)

1. Advertising has long been criticized for not being more sensitive to the concerns of minorities, women, immigrants, the disabled, and myriad other groups. As we’ll see in Chapter 3, more agencies are using account planning to keep in touch with the people they are trying to reach.

a. Latinos, African-Americans, Asians, Native Americans, and others now being favorably portrayed in ads not only because of pressure from watchdog groups but also because it’s good business; these consumers represent sizable target markets.

b. Studies show that a positive role portrayal in some mainstream ads has had a positive effect on the self-esteem of African-American youth.

c. Advertisers do not want to offend the 60 percent of women who work outside the home or the country’s 19 million working mothers.

2. Problems still exist, especially in local and regional advertising and in promoting certain product categories (beer and sports, for example).

a. Many advertisers are not aware of the externalities their ads can create, and that they may be perpetuating male and female stereotypes.

b. Inaccurate portrayals of women and minimalist depiction of minorities in mainstream ads still smacks of tokenism.

F. Offensive Advertising (p. 37)

Axe ad (p. 37)

1. Offensiveness is a style argument that refers to unwanted externalities—the perceived unwanted social cost of some styles of advertising.

2. Taste is highly suggestive and it changes. When the first underarm deodorant ad appeared in Ladies Home Journal in 1927, people were outraged. Today, we accept these ads without a thought (even some with nudity) (p.37).

3. Taste varies with geography. A shockingly bloody ad in Australia that would be considered offensive in the U.S. won the Grand Prix in the International Advertising Festival in Cannes, France.

4. When nudity is relevant to the product, people are less likely to regard it as offensive or obscene.

5. Some consumers become so offended they boycott products, while others just change the channel. In the end, consumers do exercise some veto power.

G. The Social Impact of Advertising in Perspective (p. 37)

1. Marketing professionals believe in the benefits that advertising brings to society:

a. Encourages development.

b. Speeds acceptance of new products and technologies.

c. Fosters employment.

d. Provides variety of information about choices.

e. Keeps prices down (encourages mass production).

f. Stimulates healthy competition.

g. Promotes higher standard of living (subsidizes arts).

h. Supports freedom of the press and the dissemination of information.

2. Critics charge that advertising actually creates an externality that interferes with a free press. The media, they note, pander to national advertisers to attract big ad dollars and modify their editorial content to mollify their corporate benefactors.

3. Even if advertising can be criticized for not giving complete information, it is still a rich source of information that overcomes many unwanted externalities and contributes to the existence of many buyers and sellers, satisfying the self-interest of consumers, manufacturers, and marketers.

Saturn ad (p. 38)

ü Check Yourself 2–2 What are some of the criticisms that are leveled against advertising? (p.38)

Critics charge that advertising:

-is frequently deceptive

-involves frequent use of meaningless information (puffery)

-presents information below the threshold of perception (subliminal advertising)

-promotes a hedonistic, materialistic way of life

-is too ubiquitous and clutters our mass media

-perpetuates inaccurate or simplistic stereotypes

-is offensive or pornographic

Ad Council ad(p. 39)

V. Social Responsibility and Advertising Ethics (p. 39)

A. Ethics begin where the law leaves off.

1. Ethical Advertising means doing what the advertiser and the advertiser’s peers believe is morally right in a given situation.

2. Social Responsibility is doing what society views as best for the welfare of the people in general or for a specific community of people.

B. Advertisers’ Social Responsibility (p. 39)

1. Advertising promotes harmony within a society (societies without harmony collapse), a responsibility all institutions share.

2. Advertising plays an important role in developed countries:

3. It influences the society’s stability and growth.

4. It helps secure large armies, creates entertainment events attracting hundreds of thousands of fans, and often influences the outcome of political elections.

5. Promotes social responsibility by advertising messages on “green advertising,” education, safety, health, self-fulfillment, etc., and by being a good neighbor via pro bono work.

6. Such power places a burden of responsibility on those who buy, create, produce, and sell advertising to maintain ethical standards that support society—advertisers are regularly chided when they fail the social responsibility litmus test (as in the case of tobacco marketing).

Leclerc ad (p. 39)

C. Ethics of Advertising (p. 40)

There are three levels of ethical responsibility:

1. At the first level, ethics are evaluated according to the traditional actions and rules followed by a society or community and the philosophical rules that society establishes to justify its past actions and decree future actions.

2. At the second level, the individual evaluates the meaning and nature of ethical issues via his or her attitude, feelings, and beliefs, in order to arrive at a personal value system.

3. When neither the group (first level) nor the individual (second level) can effectively decide what to do ethically, then the definition of the ethic (third level), becomes the focus of activity. Here, a group or the individual must take time to create a definition for the ethical behavior required. Often, a third party may referee or even bias the nature of the newly defined ethical solution.

My Ad Campaign: Your Campaign Assignment (p. 40)

a Check Yourself 2–3 What are the social and ethical responsibilities of advertisers and what has the industry done to meet those responsibilities? (p. 41)

Social Responsibilities:

-The advertising industry is part of a large business community. It’s responsibilities include: keep its property clean, participate in civic events, support local enterprises, and improve the community. Ad professionals have met these challenges by forming local advertising clubs, the American Advertising Federation (AAF), the American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA), and the Ad Council, which provide thousands of hours and millions of dollars’ worth of pro bono (free) work to charitable organizations and public agencies. They also provide scholarships and internships. They even regulate themselves fairly effectively.

Ethical Responsibilities:

-Ethics comprise two interrelated components: traditional actions and philosophical rules.

-To meet their responsibilities, advertisers try to practice socially responsible advertising. For example, people are not forced to participate in accounts they morally oppose. The advertising business is more highly scrutinized in the past. Consumer groups and special-interest groups keep advertising in check.

VI. Current Regulatory Issues Affecting U.S. Advertisers (p. 41)

A. Freedom of Commercial Speech (p. 41)

1. The Supreme Court historically distinguishes between “speech” and “commercial speech” (speech that promotes a commercial transaction), but decisions over the past two decades suggest that truthful commercial speech is entitled to significant, although not full, protection under the law.

a. Litmus test for regulating commercial speech (based on the 1980 Central Hudson Gas v. Public Service Commission case):

1.) The ad in question must be for a legal product and free of misleading claims.

2.) The government must prove that the absence of regulation would have substantial negative effect.

3.) The government must establish conclusively that cessation of the advertising would be effective in furthering the government’s objective.

4.) The government has to establish that there are no other means to accomplish the same end without restricting free speech.

b. In 1982 the Supreme Court upheld an FTC order allowing physicians and dentists to advertise, and in 1993, it declared that the Cincinnati City Council violated the First Amendment by banning racks of advertising brochures from city streets for “aesthetic and safety reasons” while permitting newspaper vending machines.

c. In 1993 the Supreme Court gave the advertising industry its biggest win in years when it ruled the Cincinnati City Council violated the First Amendment when it permitted newspaper vending machines but banned racks of advertising brochures from city streets for “aesthetic and safety reasons.”

d. The issue of commercial speech freedom is far from settled. While greater freedom of commercial speech enhances the government’s interests in many buyers and sellers and complete information, it may come at a cost of increased externalities, as in the cases of tobacco advertising, alcohol advertising, and advertising to children.

Commercial Break 2-A: The Importance of Good Legal Counsel in Advertising (p. 42)

2. Tobacco Advertising (p. 43)

a. Although tobacco is a legal product, the harm created by cigarette marketing has far-reaching effects, including health consequences for half a million people a year and government health costs of billions of dollars a year—a major externality.

b. To recover these costs, a number of state attorneys general sued the tobacco industry. In 1998, they reached a major settlement, providing for major reforms in tobacco marketing and the largest financial recovery in the nation’s history.

c. In an effort to protect children, the settlement banned all outdoor advertising posters, sponsorship of events with a significant youth audience, and use of cartoon characters in any tobacco advertising.

d. Critics of the settlement are disturbed by the government’s abridgement of free commercial speech. They warn that the selective limitation of free speech gives an unfair, monopolistic advantage to those brands that are already the category leaders and threatens every legal business in America.

Joe Camel ad (p. 43)

3. Advertising to Children (p. 43)

a. Kids are not sophisticated consumers: their conceptions of self, time, and money are immature. So they know little about how to use economic resources rationally. Unregulated, child-oriented advertising can lead to false beliefs or improbable product expectations.

b. Many children are also becoming sole decision makers, making them further vulnerable to unscrupulous marketing activities.

c. To promote responsible children’s advertising the BBB established CARU (Children’s Advertising Review Unit), which provides an advisory service and self-regulatory guidelines to advertisers and agencies.

d. Other countries are far stricter about advertising to children. In Scandinavia, no ads are allowed during children’s programs, and no TV ads are allowed directed to kids under 12. Sweden and Norway prohibit ads directed to children under 12; and Australia prohibits ads directed to preschoolers.

B. Consumer Privacy (p. 43)

1. In advertising, it’s illegal to use a person’s likeness without their permission and, since 1987, even a celebrity look-alike (or sound-alike) can violate that person’s privacy rights—even after the person is dead.

2. Privacy issue is heating up over the use of the new technologies: telecommunications, computer, and the Internet. The issue here is over people’s right to protect their personal information.

3. Internet websites create profiles of their users and track their Web surfing habits, often without the surfer’s knowledge.

Exhibit 2-3 CARU guidelines for advertising to children (p. 44)

Boxing ad (p. 44)

Facebook privacy issues (p. 45)

VII. Federal Regulation of Advertising in the United States (p. 45)

The U.S. government imposes strict controls on advertisers through laws, regulations, and judicial interpretations. Canada is even more complex due to separate, but often concurrent, jurisdictions of federal and provincial governments, broad powers of government regulators, and the very nature of a bilingual and bicultural society.

A. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (p.46)

GALA ad (p. 46)

Major U.S. regulator of national advertising for products sold in interstate commerce. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has the power to protect both consumers and competitors from deceptive and unfair advertising. The FTC’s responsibility is to enforce federal antitrust and consumer protection laws and make sure that markets maintain competitiveness through the elimination of deceptive and other unfair trade practices.

1. Defining Deception (p. 42)—Deceptive advertising is any advertisement in which there is misrepresentation, omission, or other practices that can mislead a significant number of reasonable consumers to their detriment. Proof that consumers were deceived is not required, and representation may be express or implied. The issue is whether the ad conveys a false impression—even if it is literally true.

a. The FTC accused Office Depot and others of deception for advertising “low-cost” and sometimes “free” computer systems because they failed to adequately disclose the true costs and important restrictions on the offers, which were tied to rebates on long-term Internet service contracts.

b. The FTC looks at environmental claims (such as biodegradable, degradable, photodegradable, and recyclable products). To avoid confusing terminology, the FTC and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) work jointly with attorneys general from many states to develop uniform national guidelines for environmental claims.

2. Defining Unfairness (p. 42)—Unfair advertising occurs when a consumer is “unjustifiably injured“ or there is a “violation of public policy“ (such as government statutes). Unfair advertising is the result of a lack of complete information, and/or some other externality. FTC critics charge that the word unfair is too vague and gives the FTC too much power.

Commercial Break 2–B: Unfair and deceptive practices in advertising (p. 47)

3. Comparative Advertising (p. 47)

a. Comparative advertising is a claim of superiority over competitors in some aspect. In the U.S. this is legal, as long as the comparison can be proven to be truthful.

b. The FTC cracked down on the Arizona Auto Dealers Association for restricting truthful, nondeceptive, comparative price advertising among its members.

c. The 1988 Trademark Law Revision Act closed a loophole in the Lanham Act, which failed to mention the issue of misrepresentation of another product in an ad. Now, if a company misrepresents its own products or another firm’s goods, services, or activities, it is vulnerable to a civil action.

d. In addition to being truthful, comparative ads must use an objective, measurable characteristic.

K9 Advantix ad (p. 48)

Covergirl ad (p. 48)

4. Investigating Suspected Violations (p. 47)—The FTC investigates claims submitted by consumers, competitors, and its own monitors. Typically, the FTC looks for three kinds of information:

a. Substantiation—The FTC looks at whether an advertiser can substantiate product claims.

b. Endorsements (or testimonials)—The FTC requires that both advertisers and endorsers be able to substantiate their claims; celebrity endorsers may be held personally liable for misrepresenting a product or service or for not using it.

c. Affirmative Disclosures—Advertisers must make affirmative disclosure of their product’s limitations or deficiencies (e.g., EPA mileage, warnings).

5. Remedies for Unfair or Deceptive Advertising (p. 48)—The FTC has three courses of action when it determines that an ad is deceptive or unfair. It may:

a. Request that the advertiser sign a consent decree agreeing to stop the objectionable advertising without admitting any wrongdoing.

b. Issue a cease-and-desist order prohibiting further use of the advertisement.

c. Require corrective advertising for some period of time to explain and correct the offending ads. Canadian law is tougher—falsity is punishable, whether anyone was misled or not.

B. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (p. 49)

The FDA has authority over the labeling, packaging, and branding of packaged foods and therapeutic devices.

1. The FDA strives to provide consumers with complete information, requiring disclosure of ingredients on package labels, in all product advertising featured in stores, and all accompanying or separately distributed product literature. Labels must disclose such things as package weight or volume, contents, special instructions, side effects, etc. The FDA can require warning statements on packages of poisonous or hazardous products.

2. In 1990, Congress passed the Nutritional Labeling and Education Act (NLEA) which gives the FDA additional muscle by setting stringent legal definitions for terms such as fresh, light, low fat, and reduced calorie.

C. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) (p. 49)

The FCC has jurisdiction over the radio, television, telephone, satellite and cable TV industries and the Internet.

1. The FCC has indirect control over broadcast advertising through its authority to license broadcasters (or remove their licenses).

2. In the 1980s the FCC concluded there were enough buyers and sellers that marketplace forces could control broadcast media so it deregulated both radio and TV stations.

3. Following Janet Jackson’s Super Bowl “wardrobe malfunction,” the FTC has increased its visibility as an arbiter of broadcast decency.

Pfizer Revolution ad for pet medicine has a long disclosure (p. 50)

D. The Patent and Trademark Office and the Library of Congress (p. 50)

Coke trademarks (p. 51)

1. The U.S. government protects the self-interest of its citizens by registering and protecting intellectual property, the exclusive rights of writings and inventions.

2. Patents protect new technology, of which the positive aspects for patent-holders include providence of incentive for invention, encouragement of investment, and disclosure of new products worldwide.

3. Trademarks are “any word, name, symbol, or device or any combination thereof adopted and used by a manufacturer or merchant to identify his goods and distinguish them from those manufactured or sold by others,” according to the Lanham Trade-Mark Act (1947).

4. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office—The PTO is a bureau of the Department of Commerce that registers and protects ownership of trademarks that appear on letterheads, packaging, and labeling. The creator of a trademark can add the designation ™ to signal a willingness to defend the logo. Once registered, the owner can designate ownership with the symbol ® and receive full effect of the law against violators.

5. Copyright—The Library of Congress registers and protects “original works of authorship” (all literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and other “intellectual works”).

a. A copyright issued to an advertiser grants the exclusive right to print, publish, or reproduce the protected ad for the life of the copyright owner plus 50 years. One cannot copyright slogans, short phrases, familiar symbols and designs, or ideas (although trademarks can be used in many cases). Advertising can only be copyrighted if it uses original illustrations or copy.

b. Copyright is indicated by the word “Copyright” (or the abbreviation “Copr.”) or the symbol © followed by the year of first publication and the name of the advertiser or copyright owner.

VIII. State and Local Regulation (p. 51)

Since the deregulation trend of the 1980s, state and local laws have taken a more active role in governing advertising.

A. Regulation by State Governments

1. State legislation governing advertising is often based on the truth-in-advertising model developed in 1911 by Printer’s Ink. The statute holds that any maker of an ad found to contain “untrue, deceptive, or misleading” material is guilty of a misdemeanor. Today, 46 states enforce laws patterned after this model (except Arkansas, Delaware, Mississippi, and New Mexico).

2. All states have “little FTC” consumer protection acts that govern unfair and deceptive business practices.

3. Different states have different regulations governing what can be advertised, some prohibiting ads for beer and wine, and most restrict the use of federal and state flags in advertising. These can present a major problem for national marketers.

B. Regulation by Local Governments

Many cities and counties have consumer protection agencies to enforce laws regulating local advertising practices. A nationally recognized company, Montgomery Ward, lost to a local DA, who collected $310,000 in civil penalties to settle a false advertising suit.

a Check Yourself 2-4 In what ways do government agencies restrict the activities of advertisers? (p. 52)

- Tobacco restrictions

- “Hard” alcohol advertising

- Alcoholic energy drinks

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- Condom advertising

Exhibit 2-4 AAA guidelines for comparative advertising (p. 52)

IX. Nongovernment Regulation (p. 52)

Nongovernmental organizations also issue advertising guidelines.

A. The Better Business Bureau (BBB)

1. The largest of the U.S. business-monitoring organizations is the BBB, established in 1916. It operates primarily at the local level to protect consumers against fraudulent and deceptive advertising and sales practices.

2. When BBB learns of a violation by a member, it contacts the violator. Most violators comply. If they do not, appropriate government agencies are contacted. Violator’s files are open to the public.

B. The National Advertising Review Council (NARC) (p. 52)

The NARC was established in 1971 by the Council of Better Business Bureaus, in conjunction with the AAAA, AAF, and ANA. The primary purpose of the NARC is to promote and enforce standards of truth, accuracy, morality, and social responsibility in advertising.

1. NARC Operating Arms—NARC has two operating arms: the National Advertising Division (NAD) and the National Advertising Review Board (NARB). The NAD monitors advertising practices and reviews complaints from consumers, consumer groups, brand competitors, local BBBs, trade associations, and others. The NARB is the appeals board for such complaints.

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2. The NAD/NARB Review Process—The NAD reviews complaints, monitors advertising practices, and investigates ads reported as being misleading or untruthful. If the NAD and an advertiser reach an impasse in their discussions, the case may go to a panel of the NARB for review.

Heat-N-Glo Good Housekeeping approval al (p. 53)

C. Regulation by the Media (p. 53)

Many people think the media are more effective regulators than the government.

1. Television—The strictest review of advertising is conducted by broadcast TV networks, which require submission of all ads to their broadcast standards department for evaluation.

2. Radio—The 19 radio networks, unlike TV, supply only a small percentage of advertising, so they have little say in regulating ads on their local affiliate stations. Local stations are less likely to return a script or tape, and every station has its own unwritten guidelines on what is allowable in commercials.

3. Magazines —These publications monitor all advertising, particularly from new advertisers and ads for new products. Many magazines will not accept advertising for certain types of products, and some test every product before accepting the advertisement.

4. Newspapers —These monitor and review advertising and have rules regarding what kinds of ads they will not accept. Advertising policies are set forth in the Newspaper Rates & Data publication.

D. Regulation by Consumer Groups (p. 53)

The growing consumer movement has caused advertisers and agencies to pay more attention to product claims. One definition of Consumerism is as social action designed to promote the rights of the buying public. Consumer Advocates are groups or individuals that act on advertising complaints received from the public and those that grow out of their own research.

E. Self-Regulation by Advertisers and Ad Agencies (p. 54)

Advertisers also regulate themselves. Agencies are compelled to keep the confidence of the public. Thus, most large advertisers gather strong data to substantiate their claims. Most advertisers also aim for a sense of social responsibility in their advertising. The ad industry has organizations that have developed codes of conduct to which their member ad agencies subscribe. These codes also establish a basis for complaints.

1. Advertising Agencies must research and verify all product claims and comparative product data before using them in advertising. Agencies can be held liable for misleading and fraudulent advertising claims. Most major agencies have in-house legal counsel for reviewing ads.

2. Advertising Associations monitor industry-wide advertising practices. They are the American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA), American Advertising Federation (AAF), and Association of National Advertisers (ANA).

a. The AAAA, an association of the largest ad agencies throughout the United States, has established the AAAA Standards of Practice and Creative Code, and controls agency practices by denying membership to any agency judged unethical.

b. The AAF (p. 52), which helped establish the FTC and led the way for the BBB, has established the AAF Advertising Principles of American Business, adopted in 1984, that define truth in advertising. As most city advertising clubs belong to the AAF, it influences agency behavior.

c. The ANA comprises 400 major manufacturing and service companies that are clients of AAAA member agencies. These companies, pledged to uphold the ANA code of ethics, work with the ANA through a joint committee for Improvement of Advertising Content.

Exhibit 2–5 AAF Advertising Principles (p. 54)

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a Check Yourself 2-5 Why do advertisers and ad agencies work to regulate their own activities? (p. 55)

Self-regulation by advertisers and ad agencies can be critical to success. Agencies need the confidence of the public and thus have an incentive to substantiate their claims. Also, without self-regulation, more government intervention is possible, as can be seen regarding the new debate surrounding fast food marketed to children. The ad industry has organizations that have developed codes of conduct which establish a basis for complaints. Advertising associations monitor industry-wide advertising practices. They are the American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA), American Advertising Federation (AAF), and Association of National Advertisers (ANA).

F. Government Restraints on International Advertisers (p. 55)

1. Foreign governments are more involved in regulating advertising than are either the U.S. or Canada.

2. European laws remain primarily national.

3. European governments tend to be more authoritarian, lacking the checks and balances of the U.S.

a. Some advertising is highly restricted or even prohibited, depending on the product or service.

b. Many countries prohibit superlatives and puffery.

c. Many European countries ban coupons, premiums, free tie-in offers, etc. Product placement is typically prohibited.

4. A good, local communications lawyer is a company’s only protection against the morass of conflicting international laws.

X. The Ethical and Legal Aspects of Advertising in Perspective (p. 55)

A. There is no disputing that advertising has been and still is often misused. Some believe that, if the industry doesn‘t raise its standards, there may be pressure to regulate even more.

B. Others believe advertising regulation is not warranted because of the success rate with self-regulation (3% of advertising reviewed by the FTC is considered unsatisfactory).

C. Advertisers and consumers need to work together to ensure that advertising is used intelligently, ethically, and responsibly for the benefit of all.

Commercial Break 2–B Unfair and Deceptive Practices in Advertising (p. 47)

Applying the Breaks

1. Describe some examples of deception you have seen in advertising.

When judging whether a particular advertisement is deceptive, the “reasonable person' rule should be applied; that is, would a reasonable person be misled by the advertisement?

Students may also try to evaluate whether suspected deception is intentional or unintentional. For example, what if a store advertises a particular product on sale but runs out of the sale item? Is this bait-and-switch (intentionally under-stocking the item), or an honest mistake in estimating the likely sales? One way to tell is whether the salespeople try to substitute a higher-priced item or offer a rain check that allows the customer to buy the item at the sale price when it is back in stock. Some companies are more honest, stating, “while supplies last” or “limited supply.”

Ethical Issue Truth in Advertising: Fluffing and Puffing (pp. 35)

1. How would you react to an ad that proclaims a product “is the greatest ever,” “will change your life,” or “can’t be beat?” Does it pique your interest to give it a try—or do just the opposite?

Answer guidelines:

a. Deception is interpreted as injurious and is thereby illegal.

b. Puffery is a form of falsity, which may or may not be deceptive.

2. If puffery were outlawed, how would similar products (toothpaste, detergents, and cereals, for example) differentiate themselves? If advertisers were restricted to telling only the literal truth, how would that affect creativity in advertising?

Answer guidelines:

a. For many products, differentiation is possible by playing up a catchphrase that emphasizes a real or invented difference (e.g., DoubleMint gum shows twin sisters smiling and repeats the theme “double your pleasure, double your fun”). No other gum could use this theme without plagiarizing it.

b. A straight comparison ad is an effective method of differentiation. One method is to list the differences between “our brand” and “brand X” or with a named competitor. A second method is an ad featuring a demonstration that plays up the efficiency of the product’s utility. Such ads can differentiate a product because they are an implied challenge to all other competitors to a put-up or shut-up duel.

Review Questions

1. Why is it good that advertising stimulates competition? (p.33)

Both the Federal Trade Commission and the Supreme Court have ruled that ads, which encourage competition, actually keep prices down. Consumers benefit with better products and lower prices when companies compete for their business.

2. Describe the two types of social criticisms of advertising. (p. 34)

Style arguments are those that claim that advertising is deceptive or manipulative. Social or environmental impact arguments focus on the negative effects of that advertising may have on groups or on society.

3. What is puffery? Give some examples. Do you ever feel deceived by puffery in advertising? (p. 34)

Puffery is an exaggerated, subjective claim that can’t be proven true or false such as “the best,” “premier,” or “the only way to fly.”

The degree of deception will vary according to each student’s own personal value system.

4. Does advertising affect our value system? In what ways? (p. 36)

Students’ answers will vary. Critics say that advertising promotes hedonistic values, materialism, and harmful habits. Critics believe that advertising encourages us to purchase things that we don’t need, and manipulates us into buying things by playing on our emotions and promising greater status, social acceptance, and sex appeal, for example.

5. What is the difference between an advertiser’s ethics and its social responsibility? (p. 39)

Ethics in advertising means doing what the advertiser and the advertiser’s peers believe is morally right in a given situation. Social responsibility refers to doing what society views as best for the welfare of people in general or for a specific community of people.

6. What are some examples of stereotypes used in advertising? (p.37)

Women are not represented accurately. For example, the majority of household product-related and beer ads feature only women). There is also under representation of non-white minorities in mainstream ads on a local and national level.

7. How does commercial speech differ from political speech? Do you think advertisers should have the same First Amendment rights as everyone else? Explain. (p. 41)

Answers will vary.

As an integral part of our American heritage, political speech enjoys vast protection under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Commercial speech, on the other hand, enjoys only limited protection. Recent Supreme Court decisions have broadened those protections, since freedom of speech enhances the government interests of many buyers and sellers; but the issue is far from settled. In the effort to reduce externalities, there is heated controversy over issues like tobacco advertising, advertising to children, and consumer privacy.

8. What are privacy rights? What are some ways that privacy rights are perhaps being violated by marketers? (pp. 43).

Privacy rights are people’s right to protect their personal information. Internet websites are increasingly able to capture and store profiles of their visitors, including personal information such as e-mail addresses, surfing habits, and buying behavior.

9. What is the role of the FTC in advertising? Do you think this role should be expanded or restricted? (pp. 46)

The FTC regulates all national advertising aimed at promoting products used in interstate commerce. Because these efforts call for highly subjective judgments, FTC regulatory actions against the advertising industry are often controversial. Until recently, the FTC was often criticized for overstepping its bounds. However, its powers were greatly reduced over the past decade, and recent chairpersons have channeled the agency‘s focus toward the most blatant cases of deception and unfairness. Citing recent examples of FTC actions may require some research unless a major case has been in the news. One possibility is TV ads for the many “miracle” weight-loss programs. Of all advertising reviewed by the FTC in a typical year, 97 percent is found satisfactory.

10. What is the difference between unfair and deceptive advertising? (pp.46)

Unfair advertising occurs when an ad, even if not deceptive, may cause unjustifiable injury or a “violation of public policy.” In other words, unfair advertising occurs in the absence of complete information or some other externality. Deceptive advertising is any ad that contains a misrepresentation, omission, or any other practice that can mislead a significant number or reasonable consumers to their detriment.