
Business Letter Professional Crack Head

  1. Business Letter Professional Crack Head Pictures
  2. Business Letter Professional Crack Heads

Business Letter Professional Crack Slanger Business Letter Professional Crack Head The side borders are 1 which allows for normal spacing when numbers. Windia Rodriguez remembers the sting of the words hurled at her during a hospital stay a few years ago. ' Especially, she. We asked career experts and hiring managers what cover letters have left lasting. Copy and paste the job title and company name into your letter and send it off, no job. Dana Case, Director of Operations, at My Corporation.

In this era of texting and direct messages, it's sometimes hard to remember everything you learned in school about writing formal letters. You might go years in your career without having to write more than a professional-looking email, but it's a skill that's important when you're job hunting, career networking, or sending other business-related correspondence.

When it comes to job searching, however, you need to pull out all the stops. Casual just won't do when you're trying to impress a hiring manager and stand out from your competition. Using the correct way to address a business or professional letter is essential for your career-related and business communications.

When you address your letters the right way, you'll never have to worry about starting off the interaction on the wrong foot, before the recipient even gets a chance to read your message.

First and foremost, know that when you’re writing a letter or sending an email message for employment or business purposes, it's important to formally address the individual to whom you are writing, unless you know them extremely well.

If you’re unsure if you should use a formal or casual (first name) form of address, err on the side of safety and use the formal designation.

How to Address a Formal Letter: Mr., Dr., Ms., or Mrs.

The appropriate title to use when writing to a man is Mr. For a woman, use Ms., even if you know the addressee's marital status.

Ms. is more professional than Miss or Mrs. For a medical doctor or someone with a Ph.D., use Dr. as a title. Alternatively, you can also use “Professor” if you are writing to a university or college faculty member.

If you don't know the gender identity of the person you're addressing, use a gender-neutral greeting and simply include their first and last name, e.g., 'Dear Tristan Dolan.'

Quite a few letter salutations are appropriate for business and employment-related correspondence. For example:

Letter Greeting Examples

  • Dear Mr. Smith
  • Dear Mr. Jones
  • Dear Ms. Markham
  • Dear Kiley Doe
  • Dear Dr. Haven
  • Dear Professor Jones

Follow the greeting with a colon or comma, a line break, and then start the first paragraph of your letter. For example:

Dear Mr. Smith:

Business letter professional crack head picture

First paragraph of letter.

Finding a Contact Person

You don't absolutely need to know the name of the person you're addressing – but it doesn't hurt, especially if you're trying to score a job interview. Commonly, employers fail to provide a contact name in a job advertisement, especially on large job search sites.

It’s worth trying to find the contact person, however, because taking the time to discover that person's name will demonstrate personal initiative. It also shows an attention to detail that will speak well for you when your resume is being reviewed.

The best way to find the name of a contact at the company is to ask. If you're networking your way into a position, this is pretty easy – just make a note to ask your friend or colleague for the name and email address of the best person to talk to about the position. Barring that, call the main number of the company and ask the receptionist for the name and contact information of the human resources (HR) manager in charge of hiring (or the head of the such-and-such department, etc.).


If neither of those methods work, you can often uncover the information you're seeking by doing a little internet sleuthing. Start with the company's website and look for listed personnel. You'll often see an HR contact on the personnel page or company directory.

If that doesn't yield results, it's time to hit LinkedIn and do an advanced search for job titles and company names. In the process, you might even find another connection to the person you're looking for. That’s never a bad thing when you're trying to get a human being to look at your resume.

Sample Letter With a Contact Person (Text Version)

FirstName LastName
Your Address
Your City, State Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email


Contact Name
Company Name
City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. LastName,

I’m writing regarding your university’s upcoming student career networking event. I am interested in reserving a booth because we are looking to hire two new designers.

The name of our company is Blue Fox Designs, and I would like to connect with some of your design and art students who will be graduating this year. We focus on contemporary home interior design and decoration.

Please let me know if you have room at your event. You can email me at myname@anemail.com or call my cell phone at 555-555-5555.


Handwritten Signature (for a hard copy letter)

Your Typed Name

Business Letter Professional Crack Head Pictures

When You Don't Have a Contact Person

How to address a letter to a company

If you don't have a contact person at the company, either leave off the salutation from your cover letter and start with the first paragraph or use a general salutation. For example:

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear Human Resources Manager
  • Dear Sir or Madam (be careful about using this one, it can sound antiquated)

Follow the general salutation with a colon, just like this:

Dear Hiring Manager:

First paragraph of letter.

Sample Letter Without a Contact Person (Text Version)

FirstName LastName
Your Address
Your City, State Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email


Dear Hiring Manager:

I am writing to inquire about the possibility of any job openings at Woodlynn Publishing. Specifically, I’m looking for a position as an administrative assistant. I have six years of experience as an administrative assistant at Wedgewood Realty in North Grove, but I’ll be moving to your area next month so I’m seeking a new position.

If you do have any opportunities available, please let me know. I’ve attached my resume for your consideration. My current manager, John Anderson, and two of my colleagues are very willing to provide references to attest to my qualifications.

You can contact me at myname@myemail.com or by phone at 555-555-5555. I look forward to hearing from you.


Handwritten Signature (for a hard copy letter)

Your Typed Name

Addressing the Envelope

Use a business-sized (#10) envelope for all mailed correspondence, folding your letter into thirds.

  • Your return address (name, street address, city, state, and zip code) should be on the top left of the envelope, with the stamp on the right.
  • Ensure that the recipient's name and address (contact person, company, street address, city, state, and zip code) are centered on the envelope.

Professional Communication Skills

Properly addressing a business or professional letter isn’t a skill you’ll only need when you’re searching for jobs. Once you're employed, you’ll find there will be times when you'll need to write letters that require formal addresses and salutations.

This post originally appeared on Details.com.

A funny thing happened during the tabloid feeding frenzy surrounding reports of former NBA star Lamar Odom's crack use: Some actual news broke out.

Polina Polonsky, a model-hot criminal-defense lawyer, coyly answered questions from TMZ host Harvey Levin about her account of Odom's smoking crack.

Polonsky, you see, had been keeping up with the Keeping Up With the Kardashians costar (Khloe's hubby) at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, whose lobby bar and pool are booze-drenched party spots for celebs, agents, and junior studio execs on the make.

When Polonsky said of Odom's crack use, 'I can't say [it was] necessarily out of control,' Levin seemed astonished. 'It sounds like what you're saying is there is such a thing as controlled crack use,' he said. Polonsky quickly added, 'I think there's tons of people who do it recreationally, and that doesn't necessarily make them addicts.'

Crack may be one of the most addictive substances on earth — as the indelible images of crack babies supposedly born hooked drove home in the 1980s. But there are growing indications that some smokers can handle their shit. And just as onetime crack dens have been transformed into high-end real estate, the glass pipe, too, has been gentrified. Clouds of crack smoke are now wafting from upscale lofts on the Bowery and West Hollywood hotel rooms and from bungalows in Venice Beach and converted warehouses in Bushwick.

The HBO comedy Girls got it exactly right. In one episode, über-uptight Shoshanna accidentally smokes crack at a Brooklyn warehouse party, thinking the pipe she is casually passed contains weed. Hilarious, yes, but not ludicrous. Drugs follow money. And they follow young, edgy creative-hipster types eager to go through some kind of dark, skid-row rite of passage. Yesterday's scourge of the underclass is today's indulgence of the idle class.

'There's a stigma to crack that excites certain people,' says one 36-year-old fashion photographer who works on New York's Lower East Side. He says he knows 'tons of people' in fashion, music, and art who either have smoked rock or would be willing to try it as long as 'someone else in the room has it and knows what they are doing.'

I randomly saw this play out on an autumn Sunday night in New York City's East Village. At a hip dive bar, I met Neil, an Internet executive, and his friend Keith, who works in the financial industry (both asked that their full names be withheld). When they rolled out of the bar at around 1:30 A.M., after an evening punctuated by blow and Adderall, Keith suggested they cap the night with crack. Neil bought four tiny blue Baggies, each containing a one-hit rock, for $10 a pop from a kid on a bike, then picked up a $3 glass stem from a corner deli. He and Keith started smoking their crack in the taxi on their way home to the industrial-chic Gowanus section of Brooklyn. 'It's like coke times 100,' said Keith, letting out an acrid belch of smoke.

More than an intense new nightcap, crack serves, rehab experts attest, as a résumé-builder for the in-crowd. The incredibly powerful high is a draw, of course, but so is the fact that its name is synonymous with addiction and lets a user feel a deep and dangerous connection to balls-out substance abusers like William S. Burroughs and Sid Vicious.

But it doesn't — contrary to our collective gasps — automatically turn you into a crackhead. In fact, up to 4 out of 5 people who try it don't get addicted. A 2008 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that 76 percent of people who tried crack between 2004 and 2006 had stopped using it altogether two years later. Another 15 percent said they still smoked from time to time. The remaining 9 percent, sad to say, were actual addicts.

'If you love it, and if you're not a pussy, you will be smoking thousands of dollars' worth in a month,' says former crackhead Richard Taite, who used to smoke the rock with lawyers and celebrity progeny in Bel Air and now runs the Cliffside Malibu rehab facility. On the other hand, some people have stronger wills, says Tom Horvath, founder of Practical Recovery in Los Angeles, who includes moderation among his recovery tools. 'If you have your life together and are seeking experiences, why shouldn't it be possible to do it moderately?' he says.

That's not to suggest that crack addiction isn't real and tragic — it is. But as the saying goes, history repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce, and well-heeled kids born in, say, 1986, like Lena Dunham, the creator of Girls, have only a hazy idea of the crack epidemic, which destroyed the lives of thousands of people — most of them poor.

A drug's connotations fundamentally change when it's appropriated by pop-cultural figures either for laughs or to burnish their bad-boy credentials, as British rocker Pete Doherty did by hitting the glass pipe in a magazine spread in 2004. The next year, The Sun reported that his then-girlfriend, Kate Moss, was a 'regular user of deadly CRACK cocaine' — rehab soon followed for the supermodel.

More recently, celebrities have rationalized hitting the rock. After George Michael was busted for it in London in 2008, he suggested to The Guardian that there was nothing wrong with dabbling. 'People want to see me as tragic with all the . . . drug taking,' he said. 'I don't even see them as weaknesses anymore. It's just who I am.' Charlie Sheen said he liked getting high, but he advised people to 'stay away from the crack . . . which I think is pretty good advice. . . . If you can manage it socially, then go for it, but not a lot of people can, you know?' Right, it's only for the alphas.

Truth be told, in terms of the population at large, not a lot of people are trying crack. According to the 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, the number of first-time users declined from 337,000 in 2002 to 76,000. Of the 22.5 million Americans who use illicit drugs, only 625,000 smoke crack. It's not the statistics that are striking; it's what they represent.

'We know there are lots of Wall Street dudes smoking crack, no question,' says Joe Schrank, cofounder of the treatment program Rebound Brooklyn. 'We see financial guys, artists, tech geeks, people with money or pedigree and good families, anyone who wants to try something a bit stronger than what they're already doing.'

Business Letter Professional Crack Heads

In other words, crack is neither the end of the line nor a gateway drug. It finds you because you're already at a party doing a bump of coke and someone comes up and says, 'Hey, you like that? Then you gotta try this.' 'It's a script that gets followed every time,' says Scott Bienenfeld, M.D., an addiction expert at Rebound Brooklyn. 'No one ever says, 'Try this, it's weaker.' It's always, 'Hey, supersize me.'

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